HydroNews - HydroWeb newsletter No. 3 (09.16.03) Brought to you by IAEH - the International Association for Environmental Hydrology ======================================= ---- In This Issue ----- 1 - "Low Flow" Sampling Quiz 2 - Iraq water resources - lend a hand! 3 - New versions of HEC Kit and ModfloKit 2000 4 - Upcoming Journal of Environmental Hydrology papers 5 - Third Non-governmental Organization Forum - China 6 - Aquifer test "skin factor" 7 - Send YOUR news! ======================================= 1 - "Low Flow" Sampling Quiz --------------------------------------- There is only one correct answer... http://www.hydroforum.com/dcforum/DCForumID4/15.html# ======================================= 2 - Iraq water resources - lend a hand! --------------------------------------- IAEH is assembling a list of experts with experience in Iraq water resources, or water resources of Southwest Asia. See the latest posting at http://www.hydroforum.com/dcforum/DCForumID13/33.html# If you would like to help, please add your name and qualifications at: ======================================= 3 - New versions of HEC Kit and ModfloKit 2000 --------------------------------------- The HydroKit modeling software packages, HEC Kit and Modflokit2000, have been recently updated with the latest software from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Geological Survey, Delft University of Technology and Centre for Groundwater Studies (Australia), and the Hydrogeology group at the University of Alabama. Join IAEH and get a CD for free! http://www.hydroweb.com/hydrokit-modeling-software.html ======================================= 4 - Upcoming Journal of Environmental Hydrology papers --------------------------------------- ERITREA Filmon Tesfaslasie and Alexander Mebrahtu report on groundwater resources. MALAYSIA A.N. Ibrahim, Z.Z.T. Harith and M.N.M. Nawawi present the results of resistivity surveys for groundwater. Read these interesting papers soon at: http://www.hydroweb.com/journal-hydrology-2003.html Send us YOUR paper! ======================================= 5 - Third Non-governmental Organization Forum - China --------------------------------------- "Building Partnership for Sustainable
Development" Third Non-governmental Organization Forum On International Environmental Cooperation in China November 18-20, 2003 - Beijing, China Organized jointly by: International Fund for China's Environment (IFCE), USA Renmin University of China (RUC), Beijing, China Global Village of Beijing (GVB), China Main Sponsor: Bureau of Ocean and International Environmental and
Scientific Affairs, Department of State, USA For additional information: http://www.hydroforum.com/dcforum/DCForumID2/57.html# ======================================= 6 - Aquifer test "skin factor" --------------------------------------- Dr. Pavel Pech, of the Department of Water Resources, University of Agriculture Prague, Prague, Czech Republic, has contributed an excellent paper on the effect of the "skin factor" on aquifer pumping tests. See the
abstract at http://www.hydroweb.com/jehabs/pechabs.html ======================================= 7 - Send YOUR news! --------------------------------------- Do you want to get the word out about your latest accomplishments and projects? Send your news to and you will see it here in our next issue! ======================================= ======================================= - To join our association go to: Thanks for your support! The HydroWeb Team ======================================= If you do not wish to receive HydroNews, click this link: http://www.hydroweb.com/unsubscribe.html (09.16.03) |