HydroNews - HydroWeb
newsletter No. 4 (09.30.03) Brought to you by IAEH -
the International Association for Environmental
Hydrology http://www.hydroweb.com ======================================= ---- In This Issue ----- 1 - URGENT - HELP
Catalan? 3 - New Journal of
Environmental Hydrology papers 4 - Stay in touch with
ITC's water education program 5 - Eco-efficiency for
sustainability, the Netherlands, 4/04 6 - Brooklyn Heights
Association, NY, seeking FEMA expert 7 - HYDROKIT - new
versions 8 - Send YOUR news! ======================================= 1 - URGENT - HELP
REQUESTED FOR IRAQ GROUNDWATER! --------------------------------------- Bryton Johnson, who is
currently on assignment in Iraq, has a special request
for groundwater expertise. Please read his message and
reply if you can help. See it at: http://www.hydroforum.com/dcforum/DCForumID13/34.html# ======================================= 2 - Can you read
Catalan? --------------------------------------- A very nice Andorra web
site submitted by Dr.Valentin Turu http://www.igeotest.ad Submit your web site to
our newsletter! ======================================= 3 - New Journal of Environmental
Hydrology papers --------------------------------------- Two new papers have been
posted this week: 1 - Aquifer exploration
by resistivity imaging in Malaysia and 2 - Groundwater quality
in south Sinai, Egypt See the papers here: http://www.hydroweb.com/journal-hydrology.html Send us YOUR paper! ======================================= 4 - Stay in touch with
ITC's water education program --------------------------------------- The ITC WATER
NEWSLETTER contains all details on Masters (12 and 18
months) and short courses in the field of GIS/Remote
Sensing for Water Resources and Environmental
Management. Courses are given at the International Institute
for Geo-information Sciences and Earth Observation
(ITC)in Enschede, the Netherlands or
jointly with one of their partner institutes around the
world. Subscribe here: http://www.itc.nl/news_events/archive/education/wrem_news2003_1.asp ======================================= 5 - Eco-efficiency for
sustainability, the Netherlands, 4/04 --------------------------------------- Call for abstracts- The broad application of
the eco-efficiency concept and tools in business can
actively be developed and closely linked to consistent and
transparent application in public policy. The focus
of the conference will be on operational methods for
quantified eco-efficiency analysis, which can
guide decision making towards societal eco-efficiency,
contributing to sustainability. See additional details
here: http://www.hydroforum.com/dcforum/DCForumID2/59.html# ======================================= 6 - Brooklyn Heights
Association, NY, seeking FEMA expert --------------------------------------- A non-profit
neighborhood organization, the Brooklyn Heights Association, in New York
City, need a professional hydrologist to review a claim by a
city agency that the Brooklyn Navy Yard is in an
"inundation/SLOSH" zone and therefore does not qualify for a FEMA grant. http://www.hydroforum.com/dcforum/DCForumID3/24.html#1 ======================================= 7 - HYDROKIT - new
versions --------------------------------------- Both HEC Kit (US Army
Corps of Engineers HEC models) and Modflokit 2000 (USGS
MODFLOW and supporting models) have recently been
upgraded. Join IAEH and get one CD
for free! http://www.hydroweb.com/hydrokit-modeling-software.html ======================================= 8 - Send YOUR news! --------------------------------------- Do you want to get the
word out about your latest project? Send
your news to hydronews@hydroweb.com and you will see it here
in our next issue! ======================================= ======================================= - To join our
association go to: http://www.hydroweb.com Thanks for your support! The HydroWeb Team ======================================= If you do not wish to
receive HydroNews, click this link: http://www.hydroweb.com/unsubscribe.html (09.30.03) |