HydroNews - HydroWeb newsletter No. 6 (10.28.03)


Brought to you by IAEH - the International Association

for Environmental Hydrology






---- In This Issue -----


1 - Iraq groundwater - THANKS!

2 - CAVITOX - Clean water with cavitation oxygenation

3 - Full Professor Spatial Hydrology - ITC, Netherlands

4 - Flood Management, Attica, Greece

5 - Groundwater Management Urban Areas - Florence, Italy 8/04

6 - ITC Water Education Program

7 - Hydrokit - new versions

8 - Send YOUR news!



1 - Iraq groundwater - THANKS!



We would like to thank those that have responded with

offers of help!


- Steen O. Mikkelsen, Danish Hydrogeologist

- Ralph O. Ewers, Hydrogeology Professor, Univ Kentucky, USA,

    expert on carbonate terranes at http://www.gwtrace.com

- Randy Fritz, USAID contractor

- Barney P. Popkin, hydrologist enroute to Iraq

- Dr.Ayman Abdulrahman, hydrogeology experience in Syria

- Dr. Peter Kralj, notes that many companies from the former

    Yugoslavia have Iraq experience and data

- John W. Lane, U.S.Geological Survey, commander of well

    drilling detachment in Northern Iraq


See messages at:




Add your name to this list!



2 - CAVITOX - Clean water with cavitation oxygenation



CAVITOX is a revolutionary new system for the transfer

of gases such as air and oxygen to a fluid for such purposes

as water treatment, wastewater treatment, aquaculture, water

and pond aeration, and gas or volatiles stripping.


No propellers, pressurized air sources, eductors, small

orifices or other diffusion devices.


See it at:





3 - Full Professor Spatial Hydrology - ITC, Netherlands



Dr.Ir. C. Mannaerts, interim Head of the Department of

Water Resources, invites applicants for the position of

Professor of Spatial Hydrology and Water Resources

Management, at the International Institute for

Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, Enschede,

The Netherlands.


See the position at:




Don't forget to post your hydrology job openings or your

curriculum at no cost at hydroforum.com



4 - Flood Management, Attica, Greece



In the latest paper published in the Journal of

Environmental Hydrology, Odysseus Manoliadis and

Konstantinos Sahpazis examine the role of terrain

characteristics in flood management.


See the paper here:




Send us YOUR paper!



5 - Groundwater Management Urban Areas - Florence, Italy 8/04



Ken Howard invites colleagues to submit abstracts for

the session on "Groundwater Management in Urban Areas" at

the 32nd International Geological Congress (IGC),

to be held in Florence, Italy, August 20-28th, 2004





6 - ITC Water Education Program



The ITC WATER NEWSLETTER  contains  all details on

Masters (12 and 18 months) and short courses in the

field of GIS/Remote Sensing for Water Resources and

Environmental Management. Courses are given at the

International Institute for Geo-information Sciences

and Earth Observation (ITC) in Enschede,

The Netherlands or jointly with one of their partner

institutes around the world.


Subscribe here:





7 - Hydrokit - new versions



Both HEC Kit (US Army Corps of Engineers HEC models)

and Modflokit 2000 (USGS MODFLOW and supporting models)

have recently been upgraded.


Join IAEH and get one CD for free!





8 - Send YOUR news!



Do you want to get the word out about your latest

accomplishments? Send your news to




and you will see it here in our next issue!





- To join our association go to:




Thanks for your support!


The HydroWeb Team




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