HydroNews - HydroWeb newsletter No. 7 (11.11.03)


Brought to you by IAEH - the International Association

for Environmental Hydrology






---- In This Issue -----


1 - Dutch earth observation technology for the Yellow River

2 - Selling Ogalalla Aquifer water

3 - Bayou restriction formations

4 - GEO-ENVIRONMENT 2004 - Segovia, Spain, 6/04

5 - Tropical Water Resources Management, Indonesia

6 - Curso GIS y Teledeteccion

7 - Hydrokit - new versions

8 - Send YOUR news!



1 - Dutch earth observation technology for the Yellow River



At the 1st International Yellow River Forum in Zhengzhou,

China, a new Sino-Dutch cooperation in the field of water

management was launched. A system will be developed to

predict the Yellow River runoff and to map the distribution

of drought in the Yellow River basin on the basis of

meteorological satellite data.


Read more at:





2 - Selling Ogalalla Aquifer water



Anthony Devers, Amarillo, Texas, asks if private investors

should be permitted to extract and sell Ogallala Aquifer



Read his comments at:





3 - Bayou restriction formations



Dave Furst of Friends of Beatty Bayou,

Bay County, Florida, would like to know if there is

a technical term for small islands that form in a

tidal bayou.


Answer his question at:





4 - GEO-ENVIRONMENT 2004 - Segovia, Spain, 6/04



Gaye McKeogh requests papers for GEO-ENVIRONMENT 2004,

International Conference on Monitoring, Simulation and

Remediation of the Geological Environment, to be held in

Segovia, Spain, 5 - 7 July 2004.




Don't forget to post YOUR conference and training events

at hydroforum.com.



5 - Tropical Water Resources Management, Indonesia



In the latest paper published in the Journal of

Environmental Hydrology, Y.R. Fares discusses water

resources management in the Citarum catchment,



See the paper here:




Send us YOUR paper!



6 - Curso GIS y Teledeteccion



The Centro de Transferencia Tecnologica in Sistemas

de Informacion Geografica y Teledetection, Buenos Aires,

Argentina, announces geographic information system and

remote sensing courses and tutorials.





7 - Hydrokit - new versions



Both HEC Kit (US Army Corps of Engineers HEC models)

and Modflokit 2000 (USGS MODFLOW and supporting models)

have recently been upgraded.


Join IAEH and get one CD for free!





8 - Send YOUR news!



Do you want to get the word out about your latest

accomplishments? Send your news to




and you will see it here in our next issue!





- To join our association go to:




Thanks for your support!


The HydroWeb Team




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