HydroNews - HydroWeb
newsletter No. 9 (12.09.03) Brought to you by IAEH -
the International Association for Environmental
Hydrology http://hydroweb.com ======================================= ---- In This Issue ----- 1 - Iraq water resources
assistance 2 - Waste Management
2004 - Rhodes, Greece 3 - Hydrology jobs - US
Forest Service 4 - 32nd Int'l
Geological Congress - Italy 8/2004 5 - Mystery water problem 6 - ITC Water Education
Program 7 - Free CD with IAEH
membership 8 - Send YOUR news! ======================================= 1 - Iraq water resources
assistance --------------------------------------- Mike O'brien is seeking
information about groundwater and well
data for Balad, Iraq. Read more at: http://www.hydroforum.com/dcforum/DCForumID13/39.html# ======================================= 2 - Waste Management
2004 - Rhodes, Greece --------------------------------------- The Second International
Conference on Waste Management and the Environment is
taking place from 29 September - 1 October
2004 in Rhodes, Greece. Read more at: http://www.hydroforum.com/dcforum/DCForumID2/70.html# ======================================= 3 - Hydrology jobs - US
Forest Service --------------------------------------- Hydrologist, Billings,
Montana. Seeking hydrologist with a background in
watershed restoration. http://www.hydroforum.com/dcforum/DCForumID3/37.html# ======================================= 4 - 32nd Int'l
Geological Congress - Italy 8/2004 --------------------------------------- IUGS, the International
Union of Geological Sciences, is sponsoring the 32nd
International Geological Congress to be held in
Florence, Italy August 20-28, 2004. http://www.hydroforum.com/dcforum/DCForumID2/69.html# Don't forget to post
YOUR conference and training events at hydroforum.com. ======================================= 5 - Mystery water
problem --------------------------------------- Elsa Dorfman asks for
ideas about where all that water in her basement is
coming from. Can you help? http://www.hydroforum.com/dcforum/DCForumID1/66.html# ======================================= 6 - ITC Water Education
Program --------------------------------------- The ITC WATER
NEWSLETTER contains all details on Masters (12 and 18
months) and short courses in the field of GIS/Remote
Sensing for Water Resources and Environmental
Management. Courses are given at the International Institute
for Geo-information Sciences and Earth Observation
(ITC) in Enschede, The Netherlands or
jointly with one of their partner institutes around the
world. Subscribe here: http://www.itc.nl/news_events/archive/education/wrem_news2003_1.asp ======================================= 7 - Free CD with IAEH
membership --------------------------------------- Both HEC Kit (US Army
Corps of Engineers HEC models) and Modflokit 2000 (USGS
MODFLOW and supporting models) have recently been
upgraded. Join IAEH and get one CD
for free! http://www.hydroweb.com/hydrokit-modeling-software.html ======================================= 8 - Send YOUR news! --------------------------------------- Do you want to get the
word out about your latest accomplishments? Send
your news to hydronews@hydroweb.com and you will see it here
in our next issue! ======================================= ======================================= - To join our
association go to: http://www.hydroweb.com/iaeh-membership.html Thanks for your support! The HydroWeb Team ======================================= If you do not wish to
receive HydroNews, click this link: http://www.hydroweb.com/unsubscribe.html (12.09.03)