1 - HEC-Kit Update!
HEC-Kit has been updated, including the new
HEC-EFM - Ecosystems Function Model. Free
with IAEH membership.
2 - American Ground Water Trust Courses
Water Well Performance: The Economic Basis for
Operation, Well Rehabilitation & Maintenance
Decisions (Workshop).
Langley, British Columbia, Canada
September 15, 2008
Note that several other excellent course offerings
are also listed.
3 - EUROPE-INBO 2008
International conference on the implementation
of the European Water Framework Directive.
4 - Automated Soil Moisture Release Curve Apparatus
Equi-pf is designed to measure soil water release
characteristics ( drying and wetting) closer
to the wet end automatically with negligible
disturbance to the soil sample.
5 - Hydrogeology Jobs - PhD Arid Hydrogeology
Work will be conducted in cooperation with the
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische
Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GTZ), Center of
Environmental Research (UFZ), Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory (LBL) and
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK).
6 - Hydrology Jobs - Streamflow Restoration
Streamflow Restoration Program Manager. Friends of
the Teton River (FTR) is seeking a qualified
individual to develop and direct a streamflow
restoration program in the upper Teton Watershed.
7 - Hydrology Jobs - Coastal Geographer
Coastal Geographer with Engineering firm.
Full-time position with benefits.
8 - Groundwater Resources Management, Ghana
Sandow Mark Yidana reports on groundwater
development and management in the Afram Plains,
9 - Hydrology Jobs - Natural Resources Specialist
Natural Resources Specialist III/ Water Quality.
Ground and surface water resources studies
on the Lummi Indian Reservation.