1 - ON SALE AT JUST $99!
The Ultimate Hydrology Software Collection
Over 140 hydrology, hydrogeology, hydraulics and watershed
modeling programs on a single DVD. All programs are current
and are fully functional with complete documentation.
A must for the corporate software library!
2 - PEST Conference - DO NOT MISS THIS ONE!!
The first-ever PEST Conference will be held in
The Stained Glass Hall of the Bolger Center,
Potomac, Maryland
3 - Latent Heat Flux From Landsat Images
Juliano Schirmbeck, Raúl Rivas, and Eduardo Usunoff
report on a methodology for estimating the latent
heat flux using Landsat image data.
4 - Climate Changes and Water Resources in Africa
Samir Al-Gamal and Abdel-Kader Dodo report on
impacts of climate change on water resources in
Africa with special emphasis on groundwater.
5 - VOC Contamination in Groundwater, Malaysia
Z. Ismail, N.A. Aziz, and R. Hashim present
up to date information on groundwater contaminantion
by VOCs in Malaysia.
6 - STOMP - Subsurface Transport Over Multiple Phases
STOMP is a computer model developed by the Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory designed to be a
general-purpose tool for simulating subsurface
flow and transport.
7 - Low Flow Groundwater Sampling Using Rotapump
Don McEdwards, a consulting hydrogeologist, has
developed an innovative groundwater sampling pump
requiring no decontamination before each use and
wiht no chance of cross contamination between wells.
8 - International Groundwater Resources Assessment
The IGRAC announces a new web site.
9 - Hydrogeology Jobs - Sr. Hydrogeologist
As a senior hydrogeologist or engineer,
the candidate will work in our
Fort McMurray, Canada, office.