HydroNews - HydroWeb newsletter No.
155 (15 June 10)
Brought to you by IAEH - the International Association
for Environmental Hydrology
---- In This Issue -----
1 - Open Source GIS - MapWindow
2 - Hydrology Jobs - Grad Res Asst in Hydrology, Hawaii
3 - Hydrology Jobs - Senior Program Director
4 - Hydrogeology Jobs - Staff Engineer/Hydrogeologist
5 - Hydrology Conference 2010
6 - II Symposium of Experimental Methods in Hydraulics
7 - JUST $185 FOR OVER 140 (YES, MORE THAN 140!)
8 - Find Hydrology Jobs on Facebook
1 - Open Source GIS - MapWindow
The new version of EPA Kit (Ver.3) now contains
the open source GIS MapWindow. It is to be used
with the included new EPA Basins 4.0 modeling
software. The new EPA Kit version also includes
several updates and additions to the prior version
software package.
2 - Hydrology Jobs - Grad Res Asst in Hydrology, Hawaii
University of Hawaii seeking graduate research assistants
for the The Watershed Hydrology Laboratory.
3 - Hydrology Jobs - Senior Program Director
Develop and implement strategic business/action plan,
provide leadership, and deliver performance results
to expand client base in Northern California
4 - Hydrogeology Jobs - Staff Engineer/Hydrogeologist
responsibilities will include soil and groundwater
characterization, monitoring well design, drilling
contractor oversight, groundwater sampling,
data entry and evaluation.
6 - II Symposium of Experimental Methods in Hydraulics
The symposium is organized by the Instituto Argentino
de Oceanografía and the Departamento de Ingeniería,
Universidad Nacional del Sur.
28-31 March 2011
Instituto Argentino de Oceanografía
Bahía Blanca, Argentina
7 - JUST $185 FOR OVER 140 (YES, MORE THAN 140!)
JUST $185! Over 140 hydrology, hydrogeology, hydraulics
and watershed modeling programs on a single DVD.
All programs are current and are fully functional
with complete documentation.
8 - Find Hydrology Jobs on Facebook
Find the newest hydrology job offerings on