HydroNews - HydroWeb newsletter No.
158 (31 Aug 10)
Brought to you by IAEH - the International Association
for Environmental Hydrology
---- In This Issue -----
1 - 3 Sep 10 - Water Knowledge Work-day
2 - Hydrology Jobs - Environmental Consultant
3 - Archean to Anthropocene
4 - Hydrology Jobs - Staff Geologist/Hydrogeologist
5 - The Status and Future of the World’s Large Rivers
6 - Reaching New Peaks in Geoscience
7 - JUST $185 FOR OVER 140 (YES, MORE THAN 140!)
8 - Find Hydrology Jobs on Facebook
1 - 3 Sep 10 - Water Knowledge Work-day
The Irrigation and Water Engineering (IWE)
Group of Wageningen University is organizing
a dynamic one-day-event around one of its
core research themes.
2 - Hydrology Jobs - Environmental Consultant
Serve as regulatory analyst for the Environmental
Protection Agency's (EPA's) Superfund, TRI, EPCRA,
RMP and Oil Information Center.
4 - Hydrology Jobs - Staff Geologist/Hydrogeologist
One to three years experience in the
environmental or geotechnical industry
5 - The Status and Future of the World’s Large Rivers
A global forum for a wide-ranging discussion of key
issues related to research on large rivers and to
their effective and sustainable management,
involving both scientists and decision makers.
6 - Reaching New Peaks in Geoscience
2010 GSA Annual Meeting
This year, GSA is offering 156 Topical Sessions
for you to choose from, each designed to promote
the exchange of interdisciplinary, state-of-the-art
information. You can filter the topical session list
by category or sponsor to help find the
one you're after.
7 - JUST $185 FOR OVER 140 (YES, MORE THAN 140!)
JUST $185! Over 140 hydrology, hydrogeology, hydraulics
and watershed modeling programs on a single DVD.
All programs are current and are fully functional
with complete documentation.
8 - Find Hydrology Jobs on Facebook
Find the newest hydrology job offerings on