Brought to you by IAEH - the International Association
for Environmental Hydrology
---- In This Issue -----
1 - Hydrology Jobs - DoD TOP SECRET: Environmental Consultant
2 - Hydrology Jobs - Senior California Water Resources Specialist
3 - Hydrology Jobs - Ecohydrologist/Geomorphologist/Engineer
4 - Online Software Training Courses
5 - 2010 VERSAT-1D&2D Training Seminars
6 - II Symposium for Experimental Methods in Hydraulics
7 - JUST $185 FOR OVER 140 (YES, MORE THAN 140!)
8 - Find Hydrology Jobs on Facebook
1 - Hydrology Jobs - DoD TOP SECRET: Environmental Consultant
Serve as regulatory analyst for the Environmental
Protection Agency's (EPA's) Superfund, TRI, EPCRA,
RMP and Oil Information Center.
2 - Hydrology Jobs - Senior California Water Resources Specialist
Seeking an experienced and ambitious water-resources oriented
Hydrogeologist or Water Resource Engineer for our California Operations
with proven ability to develop and execute work in the California water
resources market.
3 - Hydrology Jobs - Ecohydrologist/Geomorphologist/Engineer
Seeking a highly motivated physical scientist(s) with
an advanced degree in hydrology, geomorphology or
hydraulic/coastal engineering.
4 - Online Software Training Courses
The Centre for Water Research (CWR),
The University of Western Australia, announces the
program of Online Software Training Courses.
5 - 2010 VERSAT-1D&2D Training Seminars
Offering two training seminars (October 8 and December 3 of
2010) in Vancouver, Canada.
6 - II Symposium for Experimental Methods in Hydraulics
II Simposio de Métodos Experimentales en Hidráulica /
II Symposium for Experimental Methods in Hydraulics MEH 2010 -
Abstracts On line.
Abstract submission for the II Symposium for
Experimental Methods in Hydraulics MEH 2010 are available at
El ingreso de Resúmenes para el II Simposio de
Métodos Experimentales en Hidráulica MEH 2010 está
disponibles en
7 - JUST $185 FOR OVER 140 (YES, MORE THAN 140!)
JUST $185! Over 140 hydrology, hydrogeology, hydraulics
and watershed modeling programs on a single DVD.
All programs are current and are fully functional
with complete documentation.
8 - Find Hydrology Jobs on Facebook
Find the newest hydrology job offerings on