1 - MODFLOW 2005 - New HydroKit Release
Recently released by the USGS! MODFLOW 2005 is
now a part of the MODFLOW Kit collection
available in the HydroKit series compiled
by IAEH. Also new updates to related programs.
2 - Hydrology Jobs - Hydrology and Climate Post-Doc
Michigan State Univ. seeking a highly-motivated
candidate to examine how climate and land-use
change will influence the fate of excess nutrients
and waterborne pathogens and the associated
impacts to human and ecological health.
3 - Hydrogeology Jobs - University of Wisconsin
Nine month position beginning August 20, 2007.
Teaching responsibilities include an integrated
two-semester hydrogeology sequence.
4 - Hydrology Jobs - Flood Model Manager
RMS is looking for an U.S. Flood product manager
to join our Model Management team primarily
to support our Americas Climate Hazard operations.
5 - Hydrology Jobs - Watershed Research Position
Post-doctoral research fellow, watershed
hydrology: Water Resources Research Center,
University of Hawaii.
7 - Hydrology Jobs - Lead Environmental Engineer
Foth & Van Dyke, a nationally recognized,
employee-owned engineering firm, is seeking a
Lead Environmental Engineer-Mining for our
Minneapolis/St. Paul location.
8 - Hydrology Jobs - Civil Engineering Hydrologist
Private Civil Engineering firm seeking Civil
Hydrologist. Prospective candidate will have
knowledge of and ability to determine stormwater
runoff and prepare drainage studies and reports.
9 - Groundwater Arsenic Contamination, Cameroon
Itie T. Mbotake reports a preliminary study of
sources of arsenic contamination in
southwest Cameroon.
10 - New Book: Sustainable Irrigation Management
This new book from WIT Press contains the papers
from the First International Conference on
Sustainable Irrigation Management