AGNPS-Kit (Ver. 1.0 - New October 2004 )
A complete bundle of AGNPS programs for learning, teaching, and doing non-point
source pollution hydrology modeling from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service.
Contains over 500 megabytes
of programs, manuals, course materials, briefings and workshop proceedings.NO DEMO PROGRAMS! All programs are fully functional and include
complete documentation.
An excellent core for your hydrologic modeling course!
- AGNPS-to-AnnAGNPS Converter
- AnnAGNPS Pollutant Loading Model
- Flownet Generator
- GEM and AGNPS Climate Routine
- Input Editor
- Output Processor
- AGNPS Utility Programs
- CONCEPTS - Conservational Channel Evolution and Pollutant Transport System model.
- RIST - Rainfall Intensity Summarization Tool
- Bank-stability and Toe Erosion model
AGNPS Kit -- US$80.00
You may pay by credit card (secure transaction) or print and mail or fax an order form.
Click here