ENG-Kit - Engineering Hydrology Kit (Ver. 1.0 - Sept 2005)
Over one hundred and fifty (150!!) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Manuals on a single DVD.
Some of the manuals of interest to the environmental hydrologist include:
- Validation of Analytical Chemistry Laboratories
- Requirements for the Preparation of Sampling and Analysis Plans
- NAVSTAR Global Positioning System Surveying
- Geophysical Exploration for Engineering and Environmental Investigations
- Design of Small Water Systems
- Coastal Engineering Manual
- Runoff from Snowmelt
- Hydrologic Frequency Analysis
- Groundwater Hydrology
- Coastal Geology
The DVD contains many, many more!
A must for your technical library!
On Sale! US$40.00
(Includes handling and shipping - air mail included)
You may pay by credit card (secure transaction) or print and mail or fax an order form.