EPA-Kit (Ver. 3 - updated October 2009)
A collection of more than 30 programs and manuals for modeling groundwater flow and contaminant transport, geochemistry, and other good
things. NO DEMO PROGRAMS! All programs are fully functional and include complete
For teachers, an excellent core for your groundwater
U.S. EPA Center for Subsurface Modeling
Support (CSMOS)
· BASINS (4.0 Windows) - A multi-purpose environmental analysis system that integrates a geographical information system (GIS), national watershed data, and state-of-the-art environmental assessment and modeling tools into one convenient package.
· BIOCHLOR (2.2 Windows) - Screening model
that simulates remediation by natural attenuation of dissolved solvents
at chlorinated solvent release sites.
· BIOPLUME III (1.0 Windows) - Two-dimensional
contaminant transport under the influence of oxygen, nitrate, iron,
sulfate, and methanogenic biodegradation.
· BIOSCREEN (1.4 Windows) - Three-dimensional
contaminant transport for dissolved phase hydrocarbons in saturated
zone under the influences of oxygen, nitrate, iron, sulfate, and
methane limited biodegredation.
· CHEMFLO (1.30) - Simulation of 1-D water and
chemical movement in unsaturated zone.
· CHEMFLOW 2000 (2005.10.13 Windows) -
Simulate water movement and chemical fate and transport in the
unsaturated zone.
· FOOTPRINT (1.0) - Model used to estimate the
length and surface area of BTEX plumes.
· GEOEAS (1.2.1)- Geostatistical analysis of
spatially correlated data.
· GEOPACK (1.0.e) - Geostatistical analysis of
spatially correlated data.
· HSSM (1.20e Windows) - Hydrocarbon Spill
Screening Model. Simulates flow of Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid
· HSSM Español (1.20e Windows) -
Hydrocarbon Spill Screening Model. Simulates flow of Light Non-Aqueous
Phase Liquid (LNAPL).
· MOFAT (2.0a) - Two-dimensional flow and
transport of three fluid phases.
· NAPL SIMULATOR (1.0) - Simulation of the
contamination of soils and aquifers from the release of Non-Aqueous
Phase Liquids (NAPLS).
· OWL (1.2 Windows) - Evaluate existing
monitoring well networks and assist in the selection of new monitoring
well locations.
· PESTAN for Windows (4.0) - Unsaturated zone
modeling of the transport of organic (pesticide) contaminants.
· PESTAN (4.0) - Unsaturated zone modeling of
the transport of organic (pesticide) contaminants.
· REMchlor (1.0) - Remediation Evaluation
Model for Chlorinated Solvents.
· RETC (1.1) - Estimates soil-water retention
curve, unsaturated hydraulic conductivity or soil model parameters.
· # RETC-WIN (6.0 Windows) - Estimates
soil-water retention curve, unsaturated hydraulic conductivity or soil
model parameters.
· RITZ (2.12) - Unsaturated zone modeling of
the transport of contaminants associated with oily wastes.
· STF (2.0) - Database of organic and
inorganic chemicals in the soil environment.
· UTCHEM (6.1 Windows) - A general purpose
NAPL simulator.
· Virulo (1.0 Windows) - Model for
predicting leaching of viruses in unsaturated soils.
· VLEACH for Windows (2.2a) - Simulation of
1-D water and chemical movement in vadose zone.
· VLEACH (2.2a) - Simulation of 1-D water and
chemical movement in vadose zone.
· WhAEM (1.0.b) - Delineates capture zones and
isochrones of ground-water residence time for the purpose of wellhead
· WhAEM 2000 (3.2.1 Windows) - Delineates
capture zones and isochrones of ground-water residence time for the
purpose of wellhead protection.
· WHPA (2.2)- Simulates capture zones for
pumping wells.
EPA Kit -- US$80.00
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