GW-Kit (Ver. 2 -- NEW UPDATED September 2006)
A collection of more than 40 programs and manuals for modeling groundwater flow and contaminant transport, geochemistry, and other good
things. NO DEMO PROGRAMS! All programs are fully functional and include complete
For teachers, an excellent core for your groundwater
USGS - U.S. Geological Survey
- BIOMOC (1.0) - A multispecies solute-transport
model with biodegradation.
DDestimate v. 1.0 - Spreadsheet for time-series analysis and drawdown estimation.
GW Chart ( - Graphing application
HST3D (2.2.13 Win32) - Computer code for
simulation of heat and solute transport in three-dimensional groundwater
flow systems.
JUPITER API - The Joint Universal Parameter IdenTification and Evaluation of Reliability Application Programming Interface.
- MOC (3.2.2)- Two-dimensional method-of-characteristics
ground-water flow and transport model.
- MOC3D (3.5) - Three-dimensional method-of-characteristics
ground-water flow and transport model.
- NETPATH (2.13) - An interactive program
for calculating NET geochemical reactions and radiocarbon dating along a
flow PATH.
PHAST and associated programs - Computer program for simulating ground-water flow, solute transport, and multicomponent geochemical reactions.
PHREEQC and associated programs - Aqueous geochemical calculations.
- TDDS (6.0) - Time-dependent data system
for simulation models
UCODE 2005 - UCODE_2005 and six other computer codes for universal sensitivity analysis, calibration, and uncertainty evaluation.
- VS2DI (1.1) - Model for simulating
water flow and energy transport in variably saturated porous media.
- WTAQ (1.0) - A computer program for
calculating drawdowns and estimating hydraulic properties for confined
and water-table aquifers
BUFFALO - State Univ. of New York at Buffalo - Groundwater Res. Group
VISUAL BLUEBIRD 2.0 - Graphical user interface and numerical models for simulating groundwater flow and transport using analytic element method flow solutions. Also includes calibration features.
SPLIT 3.0 - Analytic-based modeling of single-layer groundwater flow in heterogeneous aquifers with capture-zone analysis and parameter estimation.
PRB Design - Permeable reactive barrier design spreadsheet.
PHREFLOW - 3-D analytic element groundwater flow model for systems with ellipsoidal elements.
MOUSER - 1-D Multi-solute Reactive Transport Model with Competitive Cation Exchange, Parent-Daughter Decay and multiple single-solute sorption isotherms.
IGS - Institute for Groundwater Studies, South
- AQUADOC (Windows) - Manual for AQUAWIN
and NETGEN. Includes EXCELLENT tutorial.
- AQUAWIN (Windows) - Two-dimensional triangular
finite element groundwater modeling package.
- ASMWIN (Windows) - Two-dimensional finite
difference groundwater flow and transport model (includes particle tracking,
finite-difference transport and random walk).
- NETGEN (Windows) - Network generator.
- RECHARGE (Windows) - Estimation of groundwater
recharge by different methods, including chloride, water balance and isotopes.
The program is implemented in an MS-EXCEL spreadsheet.
USSL - U.S. Salinity Lab
- N3DADE (1.0) - Analytical solutions for two-
and three-dimensional non-equilibrium solute transport.
- RETC-WIN (6.0 Windows) - A computer program
used to analyze the soil water retention and hydraulic conductivity functions
of unsaturated soils.
- ROSETTA (1.0 Windows) - A program
to estimate unsaturated hydraulic properties from surrogate soil data such
as soil texture data and bulk density.
- SWMS-3D (1.21) - Water and solute movement
in 3-D variably saturated media.
- TETRANS (1.5) - One dimensional solute transport
through unsaturated zone. Excellent manual.
- UNSATCHEM (2.0 Windows)- Water, heat, CO2
and solute movement in one dimensional variably saturated media. Excellent
- UNSODA (2.0 Windows) - Database of unsaturated
soil hydraulic properties (requires MicroSoft Access 97).
CCIW - Canada Centre for Inland Waters
- BTEX - Multivariate plots of hydrocarbon
analyses of groundwater samples.
- DPCT - Deterministic-Probabilistic Contaminant
Transport code (DPCT) simulates contaminant transport in a vertical cross
- PC-PHREEQEP - Accurate calculations of mass
transfer among aqueous and solid phases in very saline waters and brines.
- PIRS - Database containing environmental
and classification information for approximately 175 pesticides.
- TRIPLOT - Trilinear plots of the relative
abundance of the major ions of groundwater analyses.
NJ - State of New Jersey, Department of Environmental
Protection, Site Remediation Program
- DISPERSE (Windows) - Predicts the size and
duration of an MTBE or TBA plume.
PRG - Pollution Research Group at the University
of Natal, Durban, South Africa
- MINTEQA2 - Geochemical equilibrium speciation
program and OUTSTANDING self study work manual.
GW Kit -- US$80.00
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Copyright 2007 International Association for
Environmental Hydrology