Journal of Environmental Hydrology
ISSN 1058-3912

Electronic Journal of the International Association for Environmental Hydrology

JEH Volume 15 (2007), Paper 28    Posted November 29, 2007

Rakad A. Ta"any1
Awni T. Batayneh2
Rasheed A. Jaradat3

1College of Agricultural Technology, Al-Balqa' Applied University, Al-Salt, Jordan
2Geophysics Division, Natural Resources Authority, Amman, Jordan
3Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Yarmouk University, Jordan

The groundwater resources of the Yarmouk Basin were evaluated to aid in their planning, development and management. The principal sources of groundwater in this basin are classified as Shallow and Upper Cretaceous Aquifers. Groundwater levels in this basin vary from zero at the Mukheiba area, where aquifers are under water table conditions, to 250 m below the ground surface near Irbid, where the aquifers are confined. Water table fluctuation between the wet and dry seasons is high; with a mean of about 9 m. Directions of groundwater flow are due north and northwest. Calcium and magnesium are the dominant ions in the groundwater in this basin, while bicarbonate is the most abundant of the anions. Concentrations of the major cations and anions are low compared with their permissible levels in potable water. The total dissolved solids is 1,069 mg l-1 and below, which indicates fresh water. The water has low to moderate electrical conductivity (424-1,670 microS cm-1) and pH below 8.12. The concentration of total iron exceeds the recommended optimum limit for drinking water and some industrial usage, but falls below the maximum permissible limit of 1 mg l-1. The low sodium adsorption ratio (0.6-5.27) coupled with low electrical conductivity, gives the water low sodicity and salinity hazards. Thus, the groundwater is generally of suitable chemical quality for domestic, agriculture and most industrial uses.

Reference: Ta"any, R.A., A.T. Batayneh, and R.A. Jaradat. 2007. Evaluation of groundwater quality in the Yarmouk Basin, North Jordan. Journal of Environmental Hydrology, Vol. 15, Paper 28.
Awni T. Batayneh
Geophysics Division
Natural Resources Authority
PO Box 7
Amman, Jordan


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