of Environmental Hydrology |
Journal of the International Association for Environmental Hydrology
JEH Volume 11 (2003), Paper 4,
April 2003 Posted
April 1, 2003
DETERMINATION OF THE SKIN FACTOR IN THE EARLY PORTION OF AN AQUIFER TEST Pavel Pech Department of Water Resources, University of Agriculture Prague, Prague, Czech Republic ABSTRACT Unsteady flow to a single well fully penetrating a confined aquifer (homogeneous and isotropic) is analyzed. The well is assumed to be located in an infinite system; that is, the effect of boundaries is not considered. The line source solution presented first by Theis assumes that the storage capacity of the flowing well and skin region around the pumping well are negligible. For a �real� well, the effect of wellbore storage and skin on the pumping well is significant. If wellbore storage dominates drawdown data, and testing has been conducted long enough, two semilogarithmic straight lines can be obtained. If boundary effects do not interfere, then the second straight line is the �correct� line to be evaluated by semilogarithmic analysis. In this contribution a procedure for determination of the skin factor from aquifer pumping test data at a single well (no observation well is available) dominated by wellbore storage and the skin effect is presented. Reference: Pech, P.; Determination of the skin factor in the early portion of an aquifer test, Journal of Environmental Hydrology, Vol. 11, Paper 4, April 2003. CONTACT: Dr. Pavel Pech Department of Water Resources University of Agriculture Prague Kamycka ulice 165 21 Prague 6 Czech Republic E-mail: |
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