USGS - U.S. Geological Survey
- ANNIE (2.5) - Interactive hydrologic analyses
and data management.
- BRANCH (4.3) - Branch-network dynamic flow
- BSDMS (2.1) - Bridge scour data management
- CAP (97-08c) - Culvert analysis program.
- GENSCN (1.0) - Generation and analysis of
model simulation scenarios.
- FEQ (8.92) - Full equations model.
- HSPEXP (2.3) - Expert system for calibration
of hydrologic simulation program - fortran (HSPF).
- HSPF (11.0) - Hydrologic simulation program
- fortran.
- HYSEP (2.2) - Hydrograph separation program.
- IOWDM (2.4) - Input and output for a watershed
data management (WDM) file.
- MODEIN (1.4) - Computation of total sediment
discharge by the modified Einstein procedure.
- SAC (97-01) - Slope-Area Computation Program.
- SEDDISCH (1.2) - Computation of fluvial
sediment discharge.
- SEDSIZE (1.9) - Particle-size statistics
of fluvial sediments.
- SWSTAT (3.2) - Surface-Water Statistics.
NRCS - Natural Resources Conservation Service
(US Dept of Agriculture)
- SITES (99.2) - Rainfall-runoff routing
- TR55 (2.1) - Urban hydrology for small watersheds.
OSM - Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and
- STORM - Rainfall runoff model.
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